Bid Management Services
Our comprehensive bid management services are designed to empower research-active companies in securing funding and managing complex research consortia. We offer expert support throughout the entire bidding process, from concept development, project scoping and development, environmental analysis, consortium management, and proposal development.
Concept development and project scoping
We work closely with research teams to refine innovative ideas and align them with funding opportunities. This includes working on defining project scope, objectives, and deliverables, to ensure a strong foundation for a robust project and a credible, realistic, and achievable proposal.
Environmental analysis
Thorough market research and competitor analysis are conducted to identify key differentiators and unique selling points. This process helps position the proposed research project effectively within the current landscape.
Consortium management
For large-scale research projects, we assist in identifying, recruiting, forming and managing consortia. We help identify suitable partners, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and create legally binding agreements to ensure confidentiality and smooth collaboration.
Proposal development
We used our hands-on experience to transform complex research concepts into compelling, compelling proposals. This includes ensuring all technical aspects are accurately represented while crafting a narrative that resonates with evaluators.
Quality assurance and submission
We oversee the entire process, coordinating inputs from various team members and ensuring adherence to submission guidelines. This includes forming review teams to conduct thorough reviews, stage gates, and manage the final production and submission of the proposal.
By leveraging professional bid management services, research-active companies can significantly increase their chances of securing funding and contracts. These services not only alleviate the administrative burden but also provide strategic insights to create winning proposals